Your internet provider promises you a certain speed when you sign up for service. However, you probably have never thought to check if you are actually getting that speed. Here’s how you can test your internet speed, and what you should do if you’re not getting what you paid for.
When you sign up for internet service, you usually pay based on the connection speed that you want. The faster the rate, the more you’ll pay. However, if your internet seems slow, you might not be getting the speeds that you’re paying for. Here’s how you can check your internet speed.
For Personal Tech Media, this is Two Minute Tech. I’m Jim Herman.
First, it’s important to know what speed you’re actually paying for. This is typically listed as megabits per second, or MBPS. Check your bill. You should see this listed somewhere on the paperwork. If you can’t find it, check the paperwork that you receive when you signed up or contact your provider and ask.
Once you have that speed, navigate to Press the “Go” button and wait while it tests your download and upload speed. Don’t worry if your upload speed is significantly less than your download speed. You typically need less upload time than you do download time.
If your speed is much slower than you’re paying for, disconnect everything, including Wi-Fi devices, and test it again. If you see a significant speed bump, you probably have a device that’s hogging your bandwidth. Reconnect your devices one by one and retest to see if you can find the culprit.
Also, be aware that the speed your internet provider promises is intended to be an average. The speed you actually get will vary throughout the day. However, if you’ve tested at a variety of times and days and you’ve never seen the speed you’re supposedly paying for, then it’s time to contact your provider.